Theme: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), Climate Change, Circular Economy, Blue and Green Economy, Green Growth and Renewables Investment, Energy Access vs Transition, Clean Energy Technologies and Innovations.
Join us to connect with like minded business leaders, investors, industry experts , professionals, stakeholders, innovators and entrepreneurs, to learn opportunities, gain latest update, economic trends, insights, perspectives, strategies and practical best practices.
- Africa resilient green growth economic opportunities
- Powering Africa’s growth and prosperity in a net-zero world
- The future of Africa’s renewable energy mix industry and potential: Access vs transition
- Inclusive green growth, trade and development opportunities
- Addressing climate financing and funding gaps
- Green financing and investment in sustainable ocean economy activities
- Unlocking Africa’s multi billion green and blue economy opportunities
- Climate change transition risks management and resilience – Heat stress, urban water stress, drought and famine, desertification and flooding
- Developing strategic SDG objectives tailored for the African market
- ESG programmes management: Perspectives on value and performance
- Green and sustainable manufacturing
- Pathways to decarbonising African energy-intensive industries, manufacturing and power sectors
- Scaling up renewable energy deployment in Africa
- Aligning business portfolios with SDG climate goals
- Green and renewable-energy investment opportunities in Africa
- Oil and Gas industry Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
- Sustainable infrastructure development and construction
- Shared mobility and low carbon emission in Africa
- Unlocking the potential of Hydrogen fuel economy and market opportunities in Africa
- Fostering innovation and smart technologies for Green Growth
- Smart grids and energy efficient distribution systems and technologies
- Untapped Africa hydrogen economic opportunities and potential
- Greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutant emissions mitigation
- Green manufacturing, circular economy and sustainability
- Decarbonising the supply chains
- Green buildings, construction and green cities
- Sustainable and green business models and opportunities
- Developing green infrastructure, R&D, innovations and low-carbon technologies
- Agricultural transition, natural and land usage, and green food manufacturing
- Sustainable materials management and ethical sourcing
- Sustainable energy storage and supply management
- Scaling Up Clean Electricity for a Low Carbon Future
Register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/africa-sustainability-summit-2022-tickets-212701294297