as a business

What Circular Business Leadership Looks Like

  • Ambition: Ambition in circular economy & climate is a commitment to influencing the future. It symbolizes a vision that is good for business and economy, and better for the environment. Ambition directs strategy, inspires workers, educates investors, and engages clients
  • Action: When innovation and change are properly implemented, they may lead to company transformation and possibilities. It can provide new competitive advantages that will increase as capital moves into important industries and the economy becomes less carbon-intensive
  • Accountability: Businesses must consistently and clearly communicate climate and  circularity-related information if they want to earn the trust of important stakeholders and show them that they are making progress. To better inform strategy and go forward, this technique can help reveal risks and opportunities

Why Join Us?

Doing nothing will end up costing us a lot more than if we take actions now that will lead to more green jobs, greater prosperity, and better lives for all while reducing green-house gas emissions, environmental pollutions and building climate resilience & circular economy. Companies have found that addressing climate and circular economy also makes good business sense. Greenhouse gas targets and circular business models have helped them save money, generally through improvements in energy and resource efficiency. They have also seen reduced production costs and enhanced product sales, making them more competitive. The time to act is now. In order to design reforms that will really make a difference, governments are looking to businesses to play their part, with ideas, creativity, expertise and resources – and all that can be achieved by joining/partnering with the African Circular Business Alliance.


Be part of our initiatives/projects

Donating to our cause

Sponsoring our programs/events through partnership

Joining our community on slack to network & share knowledge on circular economy, climate action and business growth

Support an initiative in your country if you represent a local company or organisation. Join our working groups and public-private discussions on Slack to help us discover bottlenecks in the circular economy context, come up with ideas to solve them, test out new systems, and exchange business data so we can assess effect and detect barriers.

If you are a multinational business, join us as a partner. Our partners contribute their resources in-kind and in a wide range of ways depending on project needs. You could provide experts to assist our projects, supply data to help us identify bottlenecks and measure impact, share best practices from around the world or train in-country stakeholders in new processes. Our partners also connect us with subsidiaries, clients or companies in their supply chains in project countries, and act as ambassadors for profitable-sustainable circular economy facilitation and public-private partnerships at events, in the media and online.